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Cloud Computing Myths Debunked!

While the benefits of cloud seem pretty obvious, many organizations still have their doubts about transitioning to cloud. We’re debunking common cloud myths so you can have a clear idea of the benefits without clouding your judgment.

Security is Compromised in the Cloud

Some argue that local computers, networks, and servers are better protected than cloud-based assets. But in reality, this isn’t true. Cloud data centers and networks are targeted because of the large number of records they hold. But cloud service providers can invest far more heavily in security than the average business can.

Cloud Isn’t Environmentally Friendly

There’s no doubt that data centers consume large amounts of energy. But when businesses move from on-site facilities to consolidated cloud data centers, it saves energy and cuts pollution. This is similar to how relying on power companies is better for the environment than everyone running their own generator.

Cloud Computing is Just a Fad

Forrester describes cloud as not just a technology transformation opportunity but a business transformation opportunity. Many businesses leverage cloud computing because of its ability to increase scalability, flexibility and efficiency. And, the McKinsey consulting firm forecasts that cloud technology could have an economic impact of up to $6.2 trillion a year by 2025.


So, what’s holding you back from making the move to cloud?

We can answer all your questions and concerns. We know cloud computing, and our experts will help you find the ideal balance between public, private and hybrid clouds based on your workflow, goals, compliance requirements and more. There’s no time like the present, and right now we’re offering a free cloud assessment through the end of December 2016. Contact us today.

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